Latest Chapters

Testing the site, part two


If you’ve stumbled across this website, welcome! This is the home of Sable: A Ghost Story, an ongoing, longform webcomic. It will begin posting as a Patreon exclusive for a time before it eventually will be shared publicly via regular updates.

When will the story begin? Well, that’s the thing; I’m still in pre-production! Concept artwork and story outlines are complete, and I have a finished draft of the graphic novel script. I have also completed a pitch comic (a few pages of which you can see here), all of which has been shared with my literary agent and a few trusted early readers. From here, the script will be edited and revised while I begin work on storyboarding out the full graphic novel. Once that’s done, I’ll enter production on the comic and begin creating and sharing final pages!

I hope you’ll follow along as things get going. I’ve already begun sharing some sneak peeks on Patreon, and I plan to document the entire process of creating the graphic novel as I go. In the meantime, here’s the character sheet for Teddy, the story’s protagonist. You’ll get to know him soon enough.

Until then -Ethan M. Aldridge